GSM Intranet

It’s a fact that every business has felt the impact of this Covid-19 Pandemic in one way or another. Our friends in the foodservice industry have reduced capacity due to social distancing, which has forced many to pivot quickly to online ordering and takeout or partnering with a delivery service to keep the lights on. The home service industry has seen a boom in demand due to people working and schooling from home, but they are unable to meet this demand because they cannot hire enough skilled laborers. Retail has reduced capacity and they have either closed up shop or moved quickly to include or focus on enhanced e-commerce.

Our friends in the foodservice industry have reduced capacity due to social distancing, which has forced many to pivot quickly to online ordering and takeout or partnering with a delivery service to keep the lights on.

The home service industry has seen a boom in demand due to people working and schooling from home, but they are unable to meet this demand because they cannot hire enough skilled laborers.

Retail has reduced capacity and they have either closed up shop or moved quickly to include or focus on enhanced e-commerce.

So that brings us to the businesses that primarily work in brick-and-mortar offices. Our company, Greenbaum Stiers, is one of those businesses, and we had to quickly shift to a fully remote work schedule at the beginning of the pandemic, bringing our team into a virtual office. I wanted to do my part to keep our employees and their families safe. Working remotely has been successful for us because the majority of the work we do is on our computers and online.


This transition to the virtual office hasn’t been as easy for everyone and many businesses have been forced to work a hybrid model where limited essential staff are still in the building while the majority are able to work remote. I have heard about the struggles firsthand, and I’ve worked with my Team to create a solution for the full remote and hybrid work model. Our solution is a secure Intranet website that provides a centralized hub for businesses to manage, observe, communicate, train, collaborate, assign, create, track, and store projects.

The inspiration for our solution…what would Dunder Mifflin need to continue working during a pandemic? By now the majority of Americans have seen at least one episode of The Office so I thought this would be a relatable scenario.
Fast forward to March 2020 and Michael Scott, Regional Manager for Dunder Mifflin, has moved all of his office staff to working remotely due to the Pandemic, while needing to keep a limited staff in the warehouse for shipping and receiving. He is finding it difficult to manage customer service, sales reps, account managers, admin, purchasing, and order fulfillment via phone, email, and video chat. He is beginning to panic because he doesn’t know what people are working on, where they are on specific projects, or even if they are working at all? Roll in the fact that people are taking time off, taking vacations, and HR is filling his email with protocols…Mr. Scott needs help quick.

Here’s where our Intranet solution comes in. We know what Mr. Scott is going through, and he already had his hands full when everyone was in the office. We have designed a solution that is secure, easy to use, and ready to grow based on the needs of each business. So, what features have we packed into Mr. Scott’s Dunder Mifflin Intranet portal?

  • Secure Login with Customized Landing Page

    • Individual Usernames and Passwords

  • Membership Feature with Customer User Permissions

    • Security structure allows owner to determine who sees what

    • Create and manage groups/teams

  • Easy Home Dashboard for Navigation

    • Drop and Drag Customization

    • At A Glance Overview of Custom Modules Allowing Quick Click Access

    • Notification Center

  • Project Management System

    • Create Projects

    • Assign Projects to Individuals or Teams

    • Track Real-Time Progress

    • Monitor Communication

    • Store and View Files for Each Project

  • Real-Time Chat with Individuals or Teams

  • Customizable Calendar for Monitoring

    • Travel

    • Vacations

    • Project Deadlines

    • Meetings

    • Birthdays

  • Interactive and Customizable Map

    • Great for Quickly Identifying and Communicating with Team Members in Specific Locations

  • Site Wide Activity Monitoring

    • View All Activity of Members from Project Creation to Profile Picture Changes

  • Discussion Forum

    • Expansive and Customizable

  • File Repository

    • Sortable

    • Customizable Organization

  • Profiles

    • Customizable Profiles for Each User

    • Assign Roles and Teams

    • Fillable Contact Information

  • Blog

    • Customizable

    • Excellent Way to Celebrate Achievements, Share Initiatives and Educate Employees

  • Upgrades Available

    • Create Online Courses with Certificates and Quizzes with Trackable progress

    • Add An Internal Ecommerce Shop

    • Create, Upload and Manage Image Galleries

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Whether you’re a burgeoning startup or an established enterprise aiming to expand, Greenbaum Stiers is here to assist. Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation and discover how our dedicated team can help your business flourish in a constantly evolving world.