GSM Measure Business Growth

What were some of the goals you set for this year? What if we told you that it was still possible to meet them? Even if not by the end of the year, you can reinvigorate your business by pushing toward your projections, pandemic or not.

A New Year’s resolution is a tradition many participate in. Tired jokes of exercising aside, it can be a helpful way to set some tangible goals for your business and aim to achieve them in a reasonable amount of time.

2020 hasn’t been good
for business goals, though

What were some of the goals you set for this year? What if we told you that it was still possible to meet them? Even if not by the end of the year, you can reinvigorate your business by pushing toward your projections, pandemic or not.

Take strides,
not baby steps

An easy temptation in times of hardship is to stop advertising. It’s estimated that ad spending will go down a massive $50 billion dollars this year due to the pandemic. While large businesses can easily take the hit, small businesses don’t have that same luxury.

While it may be tough, the best thing you can do for your business is to keep advertising. You won’t grow if you’re not reaching new customers. Stopping ads is essentially a death sentence. However, it’s important to be intentional with your ad strategy. There are numerous marketing tools you can use to still push toward your goals.

Use our marketing solutions to
meet your business goals

Our marketing specialists at Greenbaum Stiers can help you reach your goals and breathe new life into your brand. We have a diverse set of marketing tools that we can use and modify as your business needs:

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Social Media Management – Having a social media presence is critical. If you are visible online, it will bring more customers into your door. Not only can we set you up with a page, but we can provide regular content to keep your followers engaged

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Website Development – If your website isn’t up to snuff, customers will surely notice. Our web developers can spruce up your website to make it look modern, up-to-date, and pleasing to the eye.

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Pay-Per-Click – Sometimes it’s not enough to have an online presence. Sometimes you have to make yourself known. Using PPC, we target the right keywords to make sure that you attract the eyes of people who are ready to buy!

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Search Engine Optimization – A big part of marketing for digital audiences is knowing how to work well with Google’s search results. We have specialists who know Google’s ins and outs and get you put right in front of paying customers.

Don’t let anything stop your marketing strategy! Call us at (740) 964-5948 to learn how we can breathe life into your brand

Start the conversation
with Greenbaum Stiers

Whether you’re a burgeoning startup or an established enterprise aiming to expand, Greenbaum Stiers is here to assist. Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation and discover how our dedicated team can help your business flourish in a constantly evolving world.